PADI Deep Diver Course

PADI Deep Diver Course

PADI Deep Diver Course duration: 2 days

Among divers, many are considering if it is worth going for a deep dive. Well, it is. There are mystical wrecks, magnificent seascapes, and many pelagic fish species that can be found in the deep. The PADI Deep Diver Course gives you the right training to enter this beautiful unexplored underwater world safely and confidently.

It consists of a theoretical part and practical sessions.

During the knowledge development, we will introduce you to the basic techniques, equipment configuration, and standard procedures for safe deep diving explorations. Also, your instructor will help you to understand how to deal with nitrogen narcosis. Next, to teach you how to plan and execute deep dives. Also, we will explain specialized equipment, safety considerations, effects of additional pressure as well as managing your gas supply. Included in this part of the course are also the deep-diving planning procedures, decompression tables, diving with computers as well as buoyancy control at greater depths.

The practical session consists of 4 dives. Where you will be able to apply all that you learned during the theory session.

But the most important of the PADI Deep Diver Course is to know your own personal limits.

The course has been developed to strengthen your basic diving techniques. Also to learn how to recognize and manage stress and increase diver’s awareness to safely plan and perform dives until a maximum depth of 40 meters. This is as deep as you can go in recreational scuba diving.

The prerequisites of this course are

you must be 15 years or older and you must be in the possession of the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certificate.

Deep diving can offer some of the most exciting and stimulating experiences scuba diving has to offer. So why should you miss it? So much more lies beneath the 18 meters depth limit.

In short, you will experience amazing dives with the PADI Deep Diver Course. Down there everything is different and it calls for you. 

You can do it here, follow the PADI Deep Diver Course with Badr Divers and let’s go deep.

  • PADI eLearning material
  • Full equipment
  • Lunch and soft drinks
  • Transport from and to the hotel (El Gouna, Sahl Hasheesh, Makadi Bay, and Soma Bay may incur an additional fee for transportation)
  • Minimum age: 15 years
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver
  • Fit for diving